Only a fellow yarn groupie would understand the addictive properties of a string of fiber and two needles working in tandam. I started knitting about six years ago, and crocheting about two years ago. Nothing beats the comfort of the repetition of stitches, the challenge of new patterns, the thrill of watching a project take form right before you. Its like rinse, lather, repeat...only without the soap in your eyes.
This little pink shawl is going to be part of the Easter Outfit for a certain young lady that I know. I'm using four different fibers, each a different texture and color, but they all work together as if they were made to lie with one another.
I've taken a lot of ribbing over my "old lady" hobby, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. It is cheaper than drugs and alcohol, and healthier than a bag of doritos...and I love being able to give friends and family my little handmade gifts. I also get a thrill out of doing the charity knitting with my knitting club. We have sent so many helmet protectors to soldiers and scarves to the downtown homeless shelter. It feels good to give back, even if I can't give cash.
So, if you know me, and I know you and like you--then don't be surprised to see a yarn something-or-another in your future.